
The talented illustrator Lola Usupova is making waves in children’s literature with her book ‘Plastic Bag’s Journey’

We had the pleasure of interviewing Lola Usupova, Author of Plastic Bag’s Journey: A heartwarming Children’s book for young readers who love adventure and care about the environment. Lola is a passionate author and gifted illustrator with a profound love for children’s literature. Here are the excerpts from the interview.  Hi Lola, Great to have you with us…


Revolutionize your life: Follow in the footsteps of Philanthropist, Entrepreneur, and Mentor Jonathon Tyler Love

Jonathon Tyler Love has taken his own life to a level many people aspire to, and now he is helping others follow suit. He is known for his work as a philanthropist, entrepreneur, mentor, coach, and teacher. His work as the head of Limitless University has helped many people overcome the blocks in their life. Tyler…


Slipform Pavers Market Overview

The Global slipform pavers Market is growing these days. With the present pandemic scenario, new business opportunities are developing in the market. Companies these days are exploring new markets to expand their businesses at the local and global levels. To get a deeper understanding of the evolving trends, the Global slipform pavers Market has pointed…


From Broadway to Business, check out Jen Gottlieb’s book to elevate your brand : ‘Be Seen: Find Your Voice. Build Your Brand. Live Your Dream.

Be Seen: Find Your Voice. Build Your Brand. Live Your Dream. is the upcoming book from Jen Gottlieb and a sure must-have for any business owner worth their salt. It’s a guide that will allow leaders to feel empowered to build their own brand.  For a leader, authenticity is key. A business involves creating connections and building strategies…


The end of the universe is near in Author Terence McSweeney’s novel ‘Between the Folds – The Agency: The Aranas Years’

Between the Folds – The Agency: The Aranas Years is the exciting new high-stakes novel from Terence McSweeney. The book is about a wild and fascinating organization that is trying to prevent the end of the universe. Full of time travel and other fantastic concepts to capture the mind, this is a story for fans of interesting…
