11 Ways To Start Your Day With A Positive Attitude

Imagine this – You are sleeping in your cozy bed and suddenly the alarm clock starts ringing, you hit the snooze button a few times, and then after a few minutes – you finally wake up. You force yourself from your bed to the shower. Once you are done, you then multitask by reading news from a news app on your phone, along with eating your breakfast and drinking your morning coffee. In the above scenario, you are just doing the regular chores…. For some of you, the scenario might be a bit different. The point I am trying to make here is that you are only doing some regular chores when you wake up in the morning.

How about making your mornings more exciting and starting your day with a positive outlook?

“Law of Attraction” states that you attract in your life what you think about or give attention to all day. Therefore, it is extremely important to start your day on a happy note.

Sometimes, it does happen that we might be in such a situation in our lives such that our anxieties and fears take over and it might be difficult to stay happy, but if we have cultivated a positive attitude over a period of time, then it becomes much easier to deal with such situations. You might be interested in checking this article – How to stop living in fear?

Here are eleven ways to make your mornings more exciting and full of life!! If you start your day with a positive attitude, you are more likely to be happy and successful throughout the day. Starting your day with a positive attitude helps you in cultivating a happy life, which is in fact one of the first steps in achieving your dreams.

You may follow any of the strategies mentioned below, you can definitely give them a try and see if they work for you in your life.

1. Start you day with Gratitude


You can start your day by being grateful to the universe for all the wonderful things and people that you have around you. It is a gift to have another beautiful day to look forward to.

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

You have got one more day to achieve your dreams, to spend time with your loved ones and to enjoy life.

For someone who would be going through some tough times right now and you may feel that you might not be in a situation to have gratitude in the morning, I would recommend you to go through below mentioned books, both of these are wonderful. I have read these and I can share from personal experience that these two definitely help.

The Magic (Secret) book by Rhonda Byrne

I have purchased these books and am only recommending them to you since they have personally helped me.

Here is a screenshot of the book from my kindle.


2. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile

It is very important to start your day pleasantly. Smile is a wonderful way to do that. Smiles are contagious. When you look in the mirror and smile at yourself, you feel more happy and positive. Positive energies vibrate all around you. If you don’t believe this notion and have not tried it before, I would suggest that you just give it a try. I do it daily after waking up and I really feel awesome while doing it.


3. Look at an Inspiring Quote

If you like some inspirational quotations that truly makes you feel positive or great, you can keep it somewhere where you can access it easily in the morning. You can have an inspiring wallpaper on your phone’s home screen or your laptop or desktop. You can also paste a poster in your room. It can be on your wall, on the door, in fact it can be anywhere where you feel you would see it after waking up in the morning. You might be interested in checking out secrets of success that can change your life.


4. Sing a song while taking your bath

“Oh come on, you must be kidding me…” I know you are thinking this. I understand that you might consider trying this a little bit weird. But, you have got nothing to lose. We all like listening to some songs, don’t we? Why not start your day by singing a peppy number, even if you are not a good singer. There is no harm in trying to be a bathroom singer. Starting your day with singing a song in the shower is really an exciting and fun way to start your day with. It would help you forget all the troubles and can set you in a very positive mood.

5. Do deep breathing exercise for a few minutes / Meditate


There are many ways to do meditation. Deep breathing is one form of meditation. Both meditation as well as deep breathing relaxes our mind and makes us more calm. You can do it for a few minutes and feel relaxed and peaceful after doing it. Here is an article we wrote on How to do breathing meditation. You might also be interested in checking out how to do meditation.

The technique is pretty simple. Here is how you can do it:

1. Sit in a position in which you feel relaxed. You can sit with crossed legs or with your legs apart. You can keep your eyes closed or open depending upon how you prefer to do it.

2. Breathe in slowly through your nose. You would notice that your stomach expands while you are doing so.

3. Breathe out slowly through your nose. Focus your attention on your breath without thinking about anything else.

4. Breathe in and out for a few minutes while keeping your attention on the breath. After you have done so for a few minutes, you would feel more relaxed.

6. Go for a Walk / Jogging / Stroll outside


If you are one of the early risers and if like to wake up early in the morning, You can go for a walk or a stroll in a park nearby or near the place you live. You can also try jogging while listening to music on your iPod.

7. Do some Exercises in the Gym


Focusing on your fitness can bring a positive change in your life. There is a scientific reason why doing exercises in the gym make you happy. When we exercise, our brain releases a chemical compound called Endorphins, This minimizes the stress created due to exercise and are associated with creating a feeling of euphoria.

Exercising in the gym not only helps you be happy and positive, it also helps you lose weight and helps you stay in shape. That is another reason why you must do it.

8. Enjoy a cup of Coffee to start your day with a positive attitude


I am a coffee lover, I have a cup of coffee every morning and I love drinking it. It makes me feel good. I know people who love having coffee in the morning, the caffeine in the coffee helps give you a kick-start to your day. By the way, it is generally recommended not to have black coffee on empty stomach since coffee is acidic in nature.

In case, you are not a coffee lover, you can try having any other healthy beverage option such as green tea. Green tea is healthy for the body since it is alkaline in nature as well as makes you feel calm.

9. Visualize your Success


Visualization is a super powerful technique that can really help you become exceptionally positive about life. It helps create a strong belief in yourself. It is a technique where you sit in a silent place for a few minutes, Then you close your eyes, you may use headphone for a relaxing music. Then you imagine your goals and dreams as already been fulfilled and achieved. You go into the exact details of how you feel when your goals have been achieved.

When you do this everyday, through law of attraction, you gradually start attracting those situations around you wherein you start reaching closer to your goals. Doing this everyday helps in starting your day positively and at the same time cultivating a positive attitude.

10. Plan your day the night before – Be Proactive

You can save yourself from the morning stress by taking out five minutes the night before to organize the things you would need next morning. For example, if there is an important file that you would be needing in the office tomorrow, it is better to keep it in an organized place the night before rather than searching for it in the morning with a toothbrush or a cup of coffee in hand. If you plan ahead the activities that you might need to do the next day, it can relieve you of stress and help you start your day on a positive note.

11. Read your Morning affirmations daily to cultivate a positive mindset

Reading your morning affirmations out loud to yourself in the morning is one of the best ways to start your day. It creates a positive tone for the day. I have been using this technique since a long time and it’s simply amazing. Throughout the day, whenever you face any hurdle while progressing with your day, you would automatically feel your affirmations being repeated in your mind. It would help you in maintaining the positive attitude throughout the day.

Doing morning affirmations is an excellent way to start your day and make sure that it all goes according to plan. It can improve your mood, help you set the right intention, and inspire you to focus on the things that matter.

You may wanna check out Abundance, Wealth and Money affirmations.

4 Reasons you should you do your affirmations in the morning.

  • First, it helps you start the day off on the right foot.
  • You remind yourself on what matters now and align yourself with the goals you have on the short-term and long-term.
  • It provides you a dose of positivity to start the day and allows you to take a momentary break from the rush to engage with yourself.
  • Affirmations can wake you up and  set you on your way.

What are the different things you can focus on to create good morning affirmations?



The goals you set for the day are essential. They will determine what gets accomplished and what you prioritize. For example, if you decide that you want to focus on you health, then your affirmations can connect you with this goal and remind you of what you want  to get done.

“Today, I am choosing the healthiest  behaviors available to me.”

“I am connecting with others in an authentic way.”

“I am growing my confidence.”

“Today, I am my best self.”

“Today, I treat myself with compassion and kindness.”

“Today, I focus on my creative journey.”

“I am working hard to achieve my goals.”



Your intentions can also be connected to the emotional experience you want  to have. You might want to face the day by being full of gratitude, kindness, hope, curiosity, or any other emotion. Even if things don’t go your way, you can maintain the disposition you have chosen and take control of your mood for the day. The intention you set  will stay with you through the affirmations you make in the morning.

“Today, I take whatever happens with gratitude.”

“I look into the future with hope.”

“I am optimistic about what is to come today.”

“I am happy with myself and those around me.”

“I appreciate the people around me.”

“I am curious about the world around me and approach it with a  beginner’s mind.”

“Today, I feel happy with myself.”



Affirmations can provide a way to reinforce your habits. When we are just working on making something part of a routine, we need to stick with it every day. An affirmation can remind us to keep the eyes on the prize and stick with the habit we have chosen with a positive attitude.

“Today I exercise to feel good with my body.”

“Today I treat others with compassion and speak only positive things about those around me.”

“I eat healthy foods to take care of myself.”

“Today I express myself through art and connect with my inner thoughts.”

“Today I stand up for myself and assert my ideas.”

“I speak up with confidence because I have something important  to say.”

“I give myself  permission to rest because I deserve it.”



We tend to focus on the negative. Our usual mindset allows us to recognize the flaws and mistakes more easily than the positive aspects of our lives. Affirmations can help you shift your mindset to focus on the positive and remind yourself of everything you have accomplished and all the strengths that you have. It is important to be positive while making your affirmations. Looking at the half filled glass is more important than the half empty one.

“I am doing my best and that is enough.”

“I am confident and strong.”

“I am happy with my body.”

“I feel gratitude for everything I have accomplished.”

“Here is what I like about myself today:…”

“I recognize and celebrate all that I can achieve today.”

“I choose to recognize and celebrate myself.”

“I am taking steps everyday to achieve my goals.”

If you start your morning with an affirmation, you can set a goal and a mood for the entire day. It can help you align yourself with what you want to accomplish and how you want to accomplish it, building positive habits from the outset. When you say an affirmation and mean it, it is much easier to wake up and get to work on what truly matters to you with clear focus, without distractions. Affirmations can help you feel better and orient you towards what truly matters in your life each day.

If you liked this post, you might wanna check out 7 Secrets of Success that can change your Life.


I would be glad if even a single person finds it helpful and has a wonderful day after reading this blog post. If you like this article, please do share it with your friends and family on social media.