Anya Soto

She understands the struggles that minorities face and created ‘Culture Crafters’ to facilitate trainings around diversity. Meet Anya Soto.

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Anya Soto, Founder of Culture Crafters™. As a professional certified leadership coach, instructional designer and facilitator, Anya is committed to helping organizations craft people-positive and human centric cultures. She designs and facilitates trainings around diversity and inclusion, emotional intelligence, leadership development, business agility and runs offsite leadership retreats for executive…


Mary Cole Watson’s book Wisdom Warriors represents challenging conversation African-American parents have with their children through conversational stories…

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Mary Cole Watson, an award-winning teacher and author of Wisdom Warriors.  Wisdom Warriors is a series of Educational short stories. African American History has been weaved into each story to educate both children and adults. The stories are great for educators and all cultures because the wisdom shared…