
Albert Wilcox a.k.a. Al Blaze, Founder of My Pakk has launched innovative products that can disrupt the way marketing is done.

Will My Pakk Change the Game? Albert Wilcox, a.k.a. Al Blaze, Artist, Owner, and Creator of the company that’s about to change the marketing and promotion industry. The company is called My Pakk. My Pakk has groundbreaking products that have been awarded 3…YES…3 💥💥💥PATENTS. So you might ask, what’s so special and groundbreaking about this company? Well, My Pakk marketing…


As a sports fan, when he could not find an affordable way to be a jersey collector, he created The Jersey Mount. Lets hear the story of Nyden Kovatchev – Founder of The Sport Displays…

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Nyden Kovatchev. He has been an Entrepreneur for 16 years, and the owner of Sport Displays for the past 6 years. Let’s hear his story! Hi, Please introduce yourself and tell us about what it is that you do. I am the owner of Sport Displays, I started…


Anything is possible with Hard Work, says Paul Wilcock – CoFounder and Managing Director of Angry Apple Media

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Paul Wilcock, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Angry Apple Media, one of the leading Digital Marketing Agencies in the West Midlands.   Please tell us something about yourself. After spending years touring in a band alongside Paul Weller, The Arctic Monkeys, and members of Oasis, I didn’t really…