
‘The Elder Scrolls – Zaneta’s Chronicles: Part Three: The Lost Mane’ by Author Adrian Lee Zuniga offers a thrilling story with page turning action at every step.

The Elder Scrolls – Žaneta’s Chronicles is a trilogy that features fantastic adventures and epic journeys across a world many readers are sure to find familiar, and many others will get to know for the first time. The trilogy is now complete with the third installment, The Elder Scrolls – Žaneta’s Chronicles: The Lost Mane,…


The Rings of Hesaurun by Peter Harrett is a grand feast of the imagination. Check out the exclusive Book Review!

The Rings of Hesaurun is an exciting sci-fi release from Peter Harrett. Hesaurun once had a rich biosphere, but this has been stolen, depleted, left barren. The once-thriving planet and its moons are now ravaged. But not all is lost, as the Five Rings, ancient mechanoids, can take action and stop the same from happening to other planets.…