
We offer Luxury Shades that cater to multi-faceted strong women, says Krysti, Founder and CEO of KNB Cosmetics

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Krysti, founder and CEO of KNB Cosmetics. KNB Cosmetics offers Luxury Shades that cater to multi-faceted strong women who wear several hats each day! Please tell us something about yourself. I always hated working a regular job. I would always find issues with the way companies were run,…


Making Art and Fashion is my life’s purpose, says Luxury wear Fashion Designer Tara Vatanpour

Today, we are interviewing Tara Vatanpour. From a multicultural background, Persian-Azari, American, and French, Tara Vatanpour is an installation art and performance art based artist, as well as a luxury wear fashion designer, currently based in Paris. From a solid educational background in Fine Arts, she has today exhibited in the Venice Biennale, London, and…