
Discover the Multi-Dimensional World of Jabriel Woodall: An Animator, Illustrator, Singer and Songwriter

We had the pleasure of interviewing Jabriel Woodall, an animator, illustrator, singer, and songwriter. Here are the excerpts from the interview.  Hi Jabriel, Great to have you with us today! Please share with our readers about yourself. Hi, I use several mediums to convey my interpretations of this existence. I utilize a spectrum of emotions in all…


LAMAR.THE.PRODUCER: Instrumentals that Stir Emotions and Inspire Reflection

LAMAR.THE.PRODUCER is a distinguished artist who produces instrumentals. His work stands out thanks to its unique sound, strong beats, and powerful sense of atmosphere. Among his recent releases, one can find such gems as Here We Go, Beginning, and Just Wait.  Unlike other artists, Lamar centers the instrumentals and provides an atmospheric experience that sets the listener in a…


Experience the timeless charm of ‘The Parlophonics’ with their incredible album ‘Dying of the Light’

Dying Of The Light is the newest, exciting album from The Parlophonics, a rock band who are known for their amazing synchronicity, all the more amazing because the group was formed and was working long distance. Dying of the Light is the latest triumph and a celebration of retro rock and pop with a British influence. The Parlophonics feature…
