
Check out ultimate brain training exercises in Paula Haracic’s ‘500 Puzzle Compendium – 3 In One: Sudoku, Crossword, and Word search for adults in one book’

Puzzles are an incredibly important way of developing the brain’s abilities. It is a great option to strengthen cognitive skills and to work to keep the mind sharp throughout one’s life. Puzzles develop different abilities, like memory, attention, focus, task switching, vocabulary, math, and many more, which in turn helps keep the brain active and…


‘Finally free from Fatigue!’ by author Lena Holfve charts a successful journey of overcoming the symptoms.

Chronic fatigue is a significant health issue that affects people from all walks of life. It can make someone feel constantly tired, lose interest and motivation, and also experience difficulties with their daily activities. Overcoming this can be difficult, especially as many people do not believe in this condition or take it lightly, while the…


Author Dr. Hal Bradley, DD creates a compelling series and the third book is titled ‘Code Name: The Fox – Operation Yucatan Cartel’

The hit book series Code Name: The Fox continues with its third installment: Operation Yucatan Cartel. This is another thrilling read full of action, danger, intrigue, and revenge. Harold Brandon is now taking on a cartel on its home turf, the Yucatan peninsula. You can find out more about the book here. In this book, we…


Dr. Hal Bradley, DD’s novel Code Name: The Fox Operation Durango Cartel follows a hero on a mission of revenge

Code Name: The Fox Operation Durango Cartel is the second entry into the action-packed series following Harold Brandon, a former smuggler turned avenger against cartels. The author, Dr. Hal Bradley, draws from his real-life experience with cartels to create an unforgettable and thrilling tale. You can find out more about the book here. Two years after…


Are you interested in discovering the concepts of Machine learning? Check out Rohit Sharma’s book ‘Introduction to TinyML’

Introduction to TinyML is an effective starter guide for anyone looking to understand TinyML technology. It involves the market, applications, and tools associated with this. It begins with an introduction for laypeople and then dives deeper to explore other uses beyond common applications. The guide is easy to read, clear, and can be followed by people…