
Sam Glenn’s latest book ‘Be the Difference: A Timeless Approach to Living an Exceptionally Unforgettable Legacy’ is a compelling motivational saga

Be the Difference: A Timeless Approach to Living an Exceptionally Unforgettable Legacy from motivational speaker Sam Glenn is a unique and fascinating experience that has the potential to change your life. Here, Sam Glenn discovers the One word that inspires other people to care and build their legacy, to contribute and build a better future. This one word…


Author Conor Noll takes readers on an emotional journey with his splendid collection of poems in ‘Gray: Assorted Poems’

Debuting author Conor Noll is offering readers his first published piece, a collected poetry book titled Gray. Gray is an insightful, vulnerable, and honest collection that is sure to thrill fans of poetry and reads full of passion and emotion. Gray is a short collection, clocking at around 40 pages, but this is a book that truly can be said to…


Author Layla Moon’s ‘Self-Care for Black Women: 5 Books in 1’ helps in prioritizing your mental, spiritual and emotional well-being

Self-Care for Black Women: 5 Books in 1 – A Powerful Mental Health Workbook to Quiet Your Inner Critic, Boost Self-Esteem, and Love Yourself is the new workbook from Layla Moon. It is a guide for a one-year journey in increasing one’s well-being and boosting mental health using different strategies and targeting specific problems and also strengths.…


Matthew Weintrub, Author of ‘The Psychedelic Origin of Religion’ focuses on religion through a historical lens

The Psychedelic Origin of Religion is a recent release from Matthew Weintrub, known for his work as a psychedelic activist, professor, and healer. Here, Weintrub explores the origins of world religions and connects the popular shamanic practices and spiritual rituals to the use of psychedelics in different parts of the globe. The Psychedelic Origin of Religion offers a…


‘My Good Stuff’ by Author Leva Styles helps employees prep for performance reviews

My Good Stuff: The Employee Performance Review Prep Journal is a new journal and an amazing, comprehensive self-help tool for employees from distinguished author Leva Styles. It is a tool that helps employees track their contributions, achievements, and recognize their progress throughout the year. A self-help tool, My Good Stuff is meant to support employees through the end-of-year…


Rendezvous with Tony Verse, Author of “Who Are You? A Practical Guide To Self Discovery and How To Create Anything You Want!”

Author Tony Verse is releasing an awesome short new guide to self-discovery and motivation. It is an easy-to-read, short book that allows the reader to explore themselves effectively, with each chapter packed with useful information and a smooth introduction to every necessary concept. Who Are You? A Practical Guide To Self Discovery and How To Create Anything…