
Facing the Apocalypse: Author Robert Barner’s Novel ‘Shadow’ Echoes World’s Environmental Urgency

In the rapidly evolving landscape of science fiction literature, a new star emerges on the horizon, casting a long and intriguing shadow over the genre. “Shadow,” penned by the remarkably talented Robert Barner, has swiftly garnered critical acclaim, including a prestigious 5-star rating on Goodreads and another on Reader’s Favorite, marking its place in the literary…


Unravel the secrets of the spectral interface in Marvin Merritt II’s “Spectral Voyages”

Spectral Voyages: Beyond the Veil of Mortality written by Marvin Merritt II is an extraordinary book that seamlessly blends science fiction, spirituality, and human emotions into a captivating and thought-provoking journey. Marvin Merritt II takes readers on an imaginative adventure where technology and the paranormal converge, leaving us questioning the very fabric of existence.  What sets this book…


The Rings of Hesaurun by Peter Harrett is a grand feast of the imagination. Check out the exclusive Book Review!

The Rings of Hesaurun is an exciting sci-fi release from Peter Harrett. Hesaurun once had a rich biosphere, but this has been stolen, depleted, left barren. The once-thriving planet and its moons are now ravaged. But not all is lost, as the Five Rings, ancient mechanoids, can take action and stop the same from happening to other planets.…